On Valentine's Day
"Seize the day--and the hours and the minutes. Spending time together is essential to living romantically every day. Don't wait for perfect moments. You have the power to create them yourself. I believe that all it takes is a spirit of giving from the heart--and some creative thinking--to find time for romance to thrive." (p. 28)
As I am working in the studio, I like to have different types of media on, today I had the movie Venus on. Peter O’Toole said something that made me stop and think; it may do the same for you. He is walking through an art gallery with a young lady and they are looking at the Venus Painting. He says “For most men a woman’s body is the most beautiful thing they will ever see.” She asks “What’s the most beautiful thing a girl sees; do you know?” “Her first child.” He responds.
Just something to think about.
Tired and Excited
It has been a crazy couple of weeks which culminated in a couple of 15 hours days before finally getting our book off to the printers. Just As I Am should be delivered to the studio here in mid Feb with the gallery opening being on Feb 26th. This has been a crazy month so far and it doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down, we have a birthday bash for Eve Studios on Tuesday the 19th (We are turning 2) and then there is the valentines day rush followed closely by giving a lecture at the Manitoba Camera club and our book launch open to participants and their families only tentatively scheduled for Feb 11th.
The past few weeks have been a time of trying to put onto paper the thoughts behind Just As I Am; I’m afraid I didn’t do it justice. The themes I always end up coming back to are this, 1. We are more similar than we are different. 2. God has made us each beautiful and each very unique and there is a great deal of beauty in our diversity. 3. We are so much more than what meets the eye; and if we can learn to see each other as the people we are as well as bodies we live in we will much the richer as people for it.
I’ll talk more soon,
Magic Moments Misprint
So for all of you just joining our blog for the first time after hearing about us at the wedding show, please know that Rodney is neither arrogant (well, except for regarding his good looks), nor flowery. He does, however, have a great eye for what looks good and a knack for seeing and bringing out the best in people.
Hope to hear from you soon!
An Eve session is a photography session focused on capturing your beauty and building your self-esteem. It is done in a fun, relaxed atmosphere with a photographer with expertise, professionalism, and warmth.
Do I have to do nudes?
Absolutely not. Though many choose the honesty and focus that an art nude photograph brings, there is never any pressure to do anything you're not comfortable with. The clothing options you bring along can also show off your style and personality, convey a mood, or create a look. Feel free to express yourself how you like.
How do I start?
Everything starts with a consultation. This allows you and Rodney, the photographer, to get a feel for each other, plan the session a little, and build anticipation towards your shoot. This is a great time to ask questions and find out the answers you need. Go to the contact page on http://www.evestudios.ca/ and fill out the form, or better yet, just give Rodney a call at 221-8413. He can't always answer the phone, but he will be sure to return your call.
What happens after the session?
After your session, you'll book a time to see and order your images. This allows you to set aside time to focus on you, as well as get assistance in choosing which ones to keep and what to do with them. We offer a wide variety of wall portrait options and albums, with the option of custom-design work added in to make them extra-special. We're always updating our product line to offer you interesting ways to display your beautiful pictures.
What kind of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, cheque, debit, Visa and MasterCard. Session fees are due at the session. Costs for the order are due at time of ordering...although we can accept a deposit with the rest due at pick-up.
Where are you located?
We are in the North End of Winnipeg, so it's fairly central. Once you call, we can give you more specific directions.
Why should I do an Eve Session?
That is something you only can know. We each have our own reasons: perhaps we have some insecurity with our bodies that we want to overcome, perhaps it's been a long time since we've done something just for us, perhaps we need a little boost in confidence--a little more sparkle, perhaps it's been awhile since we've felt sexy. Whatever the reason, don't hesitate to call and find out more. Take the first step. You'll be glad you did!