Well it's been a while since I was on here baring my soul; part of it has been because I had a very busy week and a half which was followed by a very humbling week and I have been struggling with how to communicate what I have been feeling. As you may or may not know a couple of weeks ago we were in the Ultimate Woman's Show here at Assiniboine downs, what you may not have known was that for the few days prior to that I was in London Ontario for meetings with the Presidents and Past Presidents of all the Provincial Professional Photography Associations. I spent two and a half days in meetings planning how the PPOC should function in the present as well as the future. It was humbling to be in the room with such an amazing group of people and no doubt at only 34 years of age and with a baby face to boot I was unmistakably the kid in the crowd. After meetings with this group I hopped onto an airplane and headed for home. I got home at about 1:00am, had a quick 4 hours of sleep and headed to the Ultimate Woman's show to show off what we do and meet some amazing people.
After a mostly sleepless week Sonya and I took the day off on Monday and went back to the office on Tuesday followed by our usual Tuesday night date (cuddling on the sofa and watching "how to look good naked") It was during our date time that the humbling process really began to go into hyper drive; the phone rang and it was Walter Janzen the PPOC (Professional Photographers of Canada) President calling from the annual awards banquet in London. Walter just wanted to call to inform me that two of my images from the image competition had done well, actually really well winning best in category for all of Canada. As I stood there Walter also told me that they were both chosen to tour the country as loan collection images (only 40 images in all of Canada are chosen for this) as a tribute to the very best in Canadian Professional Photography. Stunned I said thank you, found out who was bringing the trophies home for me and said goodnight.
I thought the humbling might be over for a while until the next week when I found out the the two Accreditation submissions that I had made to the PPOC were accepted and that I had just earned my MPA (Masters of Photographic Arts) as well as being the only photographer in Manitoba to be Nationally Accredited in Figure Study (Art Nudes) and the only photographer in Winnipeg to be Nationally Accredited in Maternity photography.
I am officially feeling very humbled as I am very aware of the quality of work being put out by the professional ranks in both Manitoba and in the rest of Canada. All I can say is that God has smiled on me and I am very grateful for the gifts.
Free Pedicure Draw Soon!
Just a reminder that anyone who comments on our blog (we'd love to hear from you) or books a session this month will be entered into a draw for a free pedicure from Tiber River Naturals. They have fabulous natural products and very personal service. You've got until the end of April to be entered...
Top Awards
Rodney was just informed of his excellent showing in national competition this past week.
This image, "She's Smokin" won Best in Category for Experimental/Unclassified.

This image, "She's Smokin" won Best in Category for Experimental/Unclassified.
This image, "Winter Whispers" was awarded a merit.
This image, "Dreamscape" was given an award of excellence and won Best In Category for Fine Art.

Two of these images will become part of "The Loan Collection", a collection of images from competition that will be compiled onto a disc/into a book and distributed to all PPOC members as a sampling of the very best work in the country.
Congratulations, honey!
Ultimate Women's Show
This week-end, April 12th and 13th is the first ever Ultimate Women's Show in Winnipeg. It's a tradeshow featuring businesses and seminars focused on women. We are in it...so if you have a couple hours free this week-end, come on out! (10:00-6:00/5:00) Cost is only $5. There is a coupon for groups of three here (3 for $10).
We've put together together an amazing album for this event. Not only that, but there will be a draw for a free session complete with hair and make-up by Pelo Loco. Only at the show. So get out of Winnipeg this week-end (well, almost...it's at Assiniboia Downs) and make sure Rodney doesn't get too lonely. He'd love to see all his clients there. You'd make his day!
Oh, I just about forgot...we've put together a sneak peak album of newborn work coming soon on EveBaby.ca due to launch Mother's Day.
Enjoy Spring!
We've put together together an amazing album for this event. Not only that, but there will be a draw for a free session complete with hair and make-up by Pelo Loco. Only at the show. So get out of Winnipeg this week-end (well, almost...it's at Assiniboia Downs) and make sure Rodney doesn't get too lonely. He'd love to see all his clients there. You'd make his day!
Oh, I just about forgot...we've put together a sneak peak album of newborn work coming soon on EveBaby.ca due to launch Mother's Day.
Enjoy Spring!
Getting Your Feet Wet
It's April. The snow is melting (although our backyard is still depressingly white...soon spring will be here too!) It's time to get your feet wet (insert cute graphic of girl jumping in puddle with umbrella).
So....for everyone who comes to the studio this month to book a session or pick up an order, AND for everyone who comments on this blog, one ballot will be filled out to be entered into our draw for a free pedicure at Tiber River Naturals on Academy. Tiber River Naturals is owned by two amazing women with a vision for products that are good for you and the environment. They are big on personalized, fun service and have a whole range of amazing and yummy natural products that they've created themselves. They also have a fun blog where you can follow their story as well as learn interesting health and product facts (and even be entered to win a free bar of soap!)
So if you've been too shy to comment, or waiting for "the perfect time" to book a session, don't delay another minute. It's time to Get Your Feet Wet!
So....for everyone who comes to the studio this month to book a session or pick up an order, AND for everyone who comments on this blog, one ballot will be filled out to be entered into our draw for a free pedicure at Tiber River Naturals on Academy. Tiber River Naturals is owned by two amazing women with a vision for products that are good for you and the environment. They are big on personalized, fun service and have a whole range of amazing and yummy natural products that they've created themselves. They also have a fun blog where you can follow their story as well as learn interesting health and product facts (and even be entered to win a free bar of soap!)
So if you've been too shy to comment, or waiting for "the perfect time" to book a session, don't delay another minute. It's time to Get Your Feet Wet!
Spring has Sprung!
Spring has sprung!!! As I write this I am looking out the window and it is snowing, how ironic. Spring is one of the neatest feelings; everything is new and fresh (Except in the studio backyard where the snow had nicely covered over the unlandscaped yard and some of the old shingles that the roofer just through on the ground just before the snow fell.) I'm feeling optimistic about the "spring" in my own life, I feel as though maybe I have a new start at becoming a fit and healthy individual or a better father and husband. I'm also looking forward to the chance to get outside and do some landscaping and make the outside of the studio look a little more like the inside.
I am also starting to live a new chapter of life, I have made what could be the last submission of work for my Masters. For the last number of years I have been working hard to become a master of the craft of Photography and am very close to completing the requirements for a Master of Photographic Arts. I realize that that really doesn't matter too much for any of my clients or potential clients; they just know that the work that they get is what they expect, the very best; but there is something nice about having my peers look at me and my work and say "He really is a master artist."
I gotta go, life is just too busy, thanks for reading my musings; here are a few quotes for you:
Love of beauty is taste.
The creation of beauty is art.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
If Rembrandt were alive today he would probably be a photographer. And he would probably be photographing woman. I suspect that his work would be a lot like what we see here.
I want to touch people with my art. I want them to say “He feels deeply, He feels tenderly.”
-Vincent Van Gogh
Have a great day,
I am also starting to live a new chapter of life, I have made what could be the last submission of work for my Masters. For the last number of years I have been working hard to become a master of the craft of Photography and am very close to completing the requirements for a Master of Photographic Arts. I realize that that really doesn't matter too much for any of my clients or potential clients; they just know that the work that they get is what they expect, the very best; but there is something nice about having my peers look at me and my work and say "He really is a master artist."
I gotta go, life is just too busy, thanks for reading my musings; here are a few quotes for you:
Love of beauty is taste.
The creation of beauty is art.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
If Rembrandt were alive today he would probably be a photographer. And he would probably be photographing woman. I suspect that his work would be a lot like what we see here.
I want to touch people with my art. I want them to say “He feels deeply, He feels tenderly.”
-Vincent Van Gogh
Have a great day,
Wellness for Women
This week-end, there is a Health & Wellness Week-end for Women at the Fort Garry Hotel being put on by Winnipeg Women. It looks like a really cool event (yes, I grew up in the 80's) although I wasn't crazy about the early morning exercise idea. Since I'm not going, I thought I could at least reflect on the topic for a bit. This is some of what I came up with.
What are the unique health & wellness needs for women? What are our challenges? Where do we easily falter in the care of ourselves: our minds, our bodies, our spirits?
How do we build better lives? Healthier relationships? A more positive outlook? Less self-defeating thoughts? A higher level of energy? A greater level of joy? How do we utilize the unique beauty we possess to enrich our lives and those of our loved ones?
I think of the unique demands on women these days. Besides the roles and expectations that are imprinted deeply onto our DNA (to keep a clean house, cook wholesome meals, nurture our children and friendships, support our partners, give something back to the community), we now have other things added: bring in an income and do meaningful work, keep up with busy households and a technology-saturated/fast-paced world, keep current of the latest fashion and decor trends, navigate the latest health-food/fitness ideas, and try to work out because we sit at a computer too much of the day. And through it all, women are bombarded with images on TV, in theatres and magazines, and on billboards telling us what beauty should look like: from our clothing to our hair-style to the shape of our bodies. So, basically, we're surrounded with the message, "You don't measure up". That takes its toll on a person.
The truth is, no woman can possibly measure up to all that. But how does a woman sift through it all and decide who she is, what she can do, and where she wants to go in life? She needs to have a strong identity. She needs confidence. She needs to know that she's enough. She needs to see herself with new eyes and discover the beauty that lies beneath the surface, awakening to her true self, content with who she is and comfortable in her own skin. This can happen in a variety of ways. In fact, someone in Winnipeg has developed a lifestyle pass where women can try out a bunch of things to help build health into their lives, but that's another topic.
At Eve Studios, we're all about women. We believe there is beauty in every woman, just waiting to be revealed. Sometimes that beauty may be masked by low self-esteem, lies from the past, despair, stress, depression, difficult circumstances, and a myriad of other things. Sometimes, a woman's beauty may be apparent to everyone but the one who possesses it. But when that beauty starts to be uncovered, a radiant confidence emerges. And that confidence can transform every part of a woman's life. That's why we believe so strongly in building the self-esteem of women through photography.
There is a saying that "A picture is worth a thousand words". We, as women, can hear others tell us we're beautiful a thousand times and have it bounce off each time. But when we can take an image of our own self, created in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, recalling the positive feelings that came with the experience, and drink in the way we look...suddenly, just maybe, we can believe we're truly beautiful. And that belief will remain long after the photography session.
If something of what I've said today rings true for you, why don't you give Rodney a call at 221-8413. Or you can email him. He's a fabulous guy and easy to talk to (he's my hubby!) But don't put it off. As women, we tend to care about everyone but ourselves. So change all that today, and go pick up the phone or click on the link and set up a time to talk and figure out what you'd like to do. There's no obligation. Even if you think your abs need some work first or you've never done anything like this before, just come in and find out more. You'll be glad you did!
Live well and be good to yourself. And I will try to do the same.
What are the unique health & wellness needs for women? What are our challenges? Where do we easily falter in the care of ourselves: our minds, our bodies, our spirits?
How do we build better lives? Healthier relationships? A more positive outlook? Less self-defeating thoughts? A higher level of energy? A greater level of joy? How do we utilize the unique beauty we possess to enrich our lives and those of our loved ones?
I think of the unique demands on women these days. Besides the roles and expectations that are imprinted deeply onto our DNA (to keep a clean house, cook wholesome meals, nurture our children and friendships, support our partners, give something back to the community), we now have other things added: bring in an income and do meaningful work, keep up with busy households and a technology-saturated/fast-paced world, keep current of the latest fashion and decor trends, navigate the latest health-food/fitness ideas, and try to work out because we sit at a computer too much of the day. And through it all, women are bombarded with images on TV, in theatres and magazines, and on billboards telling us what beauty should look like: from our clothing to our hair-style to the shape of our bodies. So, basically, we're surrounded with the message, "You don't measure up". That takes its toll on a person.
The truth is, no woman can possibly measure up to all that. But how does a woman sift through it all and decide who she is, what she can do, and where she wants to go in life? She needs to have a strong identity. She needs confidence. She needs to know that she's enough. She needs to see herself with new eyes and discover the beauty that lies beneath the surface, awakening to her true self, content with who she is and comfortable in her own skin. This can happen in a variety of ways. In fact, someone in Winnipeg has developed a lifestyle pass where women can try out a bunch of things to help build health into their lives, but that's another topic.
At Eve Studios, we're all about women. We believe there is beauty in every woman, just waiting to be revealed. Sometimes that beauty may be masked by low self-esteem, lies from the past, despair, stress, depression, difficult circumstances, and a myriad of other things. Sometimes, a woman's beauty may be apparent to everyone but the one who possesses it. But when that beauty starts to be uncovered, a radiant confidence emerges. And that confidence can transform every part of a woman's life. That's why we believe so strongly in building the self-esteem of women through photography.
There is a saying that "A picture is worth a thousand words". We, as women, can hear others tell us we're beautiful a thousand times and have it bounce off each time. But when we can take an image of our own self, created in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, recalling the positive feelings that came with the experience, and drink in the way we look...suddenly, just maybe, we can believe we're truly beautiful. And that belief will remain long after the photography session.
If something of what I've said today rings true for you, why don't you give Rodney a call at 221-8413. Or you can email him. He's a fabulous guy and easy to talk to (he's my hubby!) But don't put it off. As women, we tend to care about everyone but ourselves. So change all that today, and go pick up the phone or click on the link and set up a time to talk and figure out what you'd like to do. There's no obligation. Even if you think your abs need some work first or you've never done anything like this before, just come in and find out more. You'll be glad you did!
Live well and be good to yourself. And I will try to do the same.
women's interests
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