Merry Christmas!
Sing. Light candles. Watch the snow fall. Lay on the couch and get mesmerized by the Christmas lights. Read a good book. Listen to music. Party. Watch a classic Christmas show. Make soup. Eat chocolate. Hold a warm drink in your hands and let it soothe you. Take a little extra care with one or two presents and make them a work of art. Use a little extra colour or glimmer as you set your table.
For me, I also hope to take a little time to reflect on the experience of Mary, on the wonder of that night, on the unusual ordinary-ness of a King born among animals and adored by sheep herders, and on the love that brought this story to life.
Maybe merry isn't the best word. Perhaps "wonder-filled" is better. The one conjures up red and green, deck the halls, ho ho ho, and let your heart be light (things I still enjoy). The other brings to my mind starry nights, the intricacies of nature, the faces of children, and a depth of feeling in both joy and sorrow. You can choose. May love, joy, peace, and hope fill your heart this Christmas.
The Brauns
Shopping Local for fun Gifts
Cornelia Bean on 417 Academy Road has a great selection of teas, coffees, teapots, the amazing BrewT (loose leaf tea made easy), honey infusions (so you can get your lemon and honey at the same time) and so much more. Their staff is friendly and helpful and their store is just fun to visit. Warm someone's heart and insides with a gift from Cornelia Bean!
Orange Poppy Feng Shui Gifts & Decor, 1 – 433 River Avenue, is having an inventory clear-out as they are shifting their focus away from retail and completely onto feng shui consulting/classes. Last I heard, they still have some really beautiful wrapping paper and cards as well as lots of gift ideas...all up to 60% off.
If you have someone who's hard to buy for, is looking for "un-stuff" and is female, check out the LifeStyle Pass. Created by Sam (Stephanie) Manchulenko to help women in Winnipeg and area find new ways of adding healthy and enriching experiences to their lives, the lifestyle pass is like a passport to amazing Winnipeg businesses and is chock-full of great deals. Only $40. Available online and various locations.
And of course, Eve Studios has gift certificates available. So if you'd like to come in for a session, why not put it on your wish list?! We donate $25 from every $200 gift certificate to Alpha House, protective living for women leaving abuse, so you'll be giving and receiving a gift all at the same time! By the way, have you checked out Rodney's fine art photography? It's a little late to order a piece for Christmas, but a gift certificate could also cover something for hubby or parents, too! Check out the link at sidebar. He's done some really amazing work!
Tips for the Holidays
As I attend more and more business functions and get out in the world, I'm meeting fabulous people. One of them is Trisha Sveistrup. She has begun coaching women through the process of body transformation without dieting. If you'd like to receive a free e-mail newsletter than can help you through the holidays without weight gain and without deprivation, click here. There is a sign-up in the top right-hand corner of her web-site.
Second, if you're looking for an up-do for a Christmas party, I would have to suggest Sandy Turner at First Impressions (an Aveda concept salon) on St. Mary's Rd. It's her favorite thing to do and she's really good at it! You can call 255-3599 to book your appointment.
My hair after a quick up-do at a trade-show. Sandy is really personable, fun to work with, and has a knack for contemporary, natural-looking up-do's.
Events Today
Well made
My In laws were here visiting us this last week; first I would really like to dispel a myth that's out there that in laws are bad, I happen to love my in laws and feel blessed to have them in my life. Anyway my father in law suggested we watch a movie and being one who loves watching movies I jumped at the thought. We rented "Expelled - No intelligence allowed" a movie made by Ben Stein. This movie is a must see as it speaks with some of the worlds top scientist and captures their theories as to the origins of life here on earth.
Wow, Rodney is really very random today is he not?? Well the reason that I am hopping around as much as I am is simply that all of this caused me to stop for a few moments and ask some very deep questions; is there enough evidence for intelligent design in our world, my thinking is yes. If your answer is maybe or yes then the next question we have to ask is who may have designed our world or the life within it? This is where it all gets a little on the tricky side; you see this has to followed up by the question does the creator have any expectations of us and if so, what might that be??
The wonderful thing about death is that it makes me ask questions about the opposite - LIFE. A question that I ask when I face the loss of someone is this, am I ready to meet my creator?? Does my creator have any expectations of me?? Am I living up to these expectations??
Generally when I am forced to ask questions like this the answers demand some sort of changes in life; if you have never taken the time to ask these simple questions of yourself take the time before they are motivated by the death of someone you love or worst case scenario you have to ask them live, one on one in the presence of your creator as your demise forces us to ask these questions.
Life is precious, I want to take a moment to wish you the very best in Love, Life and Laughter.
God Bless you.
Image Night November 18th

Here are the details:
date: Tuesday, November 18th
time: 6:00-9:00 p.m.
place: 354 Selkirk Ave. (red door at the side)
cost: $49 plus tax OR
donate: $79 to Alpha House OR
bring: 5 keywords that describe you (creative, trustworthy, friendly...)
wear: clothing that fits your description (solids best)
After your mini-shoot, you will choose your shot, it will be retouched slightly and emailed to you the following day (1 hi-res and 1 low-res). Extra shots are $49 each. We accept cash, cheque, Visa, MasterCard, and debit.
There are only ten spots available, so contact Sonya at 582-8365 or as soon as you can! It should be a fun evening...
On the business front, I continue to learn. The good news is, we still have "Dreamscape" available for order, and you can still get it for $300. The bad news is (obviously), that we haven't sold one yet. This is disappointing at first glance, but I thought about it and realized, "Who wants to buy a piece of art that they haven't seen in real life, hanging on a wall in front of them, so that they can connect with it, visualize how it would look in their home or business, and fall in love with it?" Exactly. No one.
To fix that problem, we have one coming into the studio this week. If you come in for a session, you will have the opportunity to see it. If you really want, you can call to make an appointment just to see it! (How can you tell I love it?!) And when we have our celebration of Rod's accomplishments/wrap-up of November promotions beginning of December (date to be confirmed), it will be on display and available for order in time for Christmas.
That's it for now! Have a great Monday!
Promos for November
- Week 1 (November 3-7) 50% off Family/Kids Sessions
- Week 2 and 3 (November 10-21) 50% off Eve Sessions
- Week 3 (November 18 only) a business promo details TBA
- Week 4 (November 25 only) Our 2-for-1 Tuesday...Two friends. One hour. $100. And November 29 is shaping up to be some kind of photography seminar...
More on our Family Week: it's a good time to create a family photo to send out for Christmas, or kids' portraits for Grandma & Grandpa. We have lots of fun places in the studio to use...even a bed, a trampoline, a swing, and a bright red claw-foot tub (complete with bubble bath!)
Don't miss out! Call Rodney today at 221-8413 and find a time that works for you.
Dreamscape on Sale Now
"Dreamscape" is a prairie cloud study, an expansive sky scape. Moody monochrome blues with sharply contrasted, swirling edges make this a great conversation piece
or simply a point of contemplation.
This image won "Best in Fine Art Category" at the Professional Photographers Association of Canada national print salon. It is part of PPOC's travelling Loan Collection for 2008-2009, a collection of 40 outstanding images chosen from all across Canada for their impact, inspiration, and innovation.
Commenting on this piece, Rodney is extremely grateful. "It was a gift, really. God was the true artist in all of this. I was just privileged to be on the road at the time and stopped to appreciate it."
In celebration of Rodney's recent achievements, we have decided to print a run of limited edition, numbered 24x36 canvases. No more than 12 will be made and will not be available again in this format.
Special pricing is as follows:
first one - $ 300
next two - $ 600
next three - $ 900
next four - $1200 (taxes not included)
We have reserved two to be auctioned for charity. If we sell eight before November 3rd, we will donate half of the proceeds. If we sell all ten before then, we will donate 100% of the proceeds. The charities are two organizations we believe in as they serve those who are most vulnerable.
One is Alpha House, which provides protective living for women leaving abuse. We're just getting to know them and so far are very impressed with the work they do in order to help women get safe shelter and life/career skills. Their new campaign for awareness is called "Live Life Empowered" and is being launched at their Annual Fundraising Dinner on Thursday, November 6th at the Fort Garry Hotel.
The other organization is Siloam Mission and we have been involved with them since before their expansion. They serve as "a connecting point between the compassionate and Winnipeg's less fortunate", providing meals, emergency shelter, health care, arts expression and employment training for those in need. Their Annual Gala Dinner is being held at the Victoria Inn on Friday, November 7th and will be focusing on their arts program with David Asper speaking.
We expect these to sell fast, so call today: 221-8413 or email to get yours.
We will keep careful record of when you leave your message, whether it be by phone or email in order to ensure you get the best possible price. Payment must be made at time of order confirmation by credit card or before November 3rd in studio.
Everyone who purchases one of these fine canvas prints will also receive a fact sheet containing a description of the art and a short bio of the artist.

Thanks ladies for letting me be a part of your story, it was truly an honour!
All in Perspective

Last night after a weekend of learning and judges from across Canada Judging the work of Manitoba’s Pros my goal came to be. It was humbling and somewhat exciting to receive this honour, but in reality the best judges in my life are my clients and the best award I could receive is the love of my family and friends.
Here are the images I had judged, thanks so much to those of you who helped to make these images possible, I appreciate your help more than i can say.
Cool Kids
Taking Action
I finally decided to take some action on the needs of my body, and scheduled exercise time into my daily planner for Thursday, Saturday, and Monday mornings. I am so excited and proud of myself. It was a little challenging doing a ball work-out with little people around, but we made it through. I feel energized and strong, and am looking forward to building on that.
What do you need to put into action? What's holding you back? I picked up two books on a little library date I went on the other night. The first I read in an hour or so. It's called "Passion" by Barbara De Angelis. One thing that really stuck out to me was this:
Passion is born of commitment. When you are committed to something, whether it's a dream, a cause, or a relationship, you feel passionate about it. And the deeper your commitment, the stronger your passion...It's very difficult to feel passionate about something when you aren't committed to it. In fact, it's nearly impossible...your lack of commitment doesn't allow your passion to flow toward [these projects]. You simply can't get motivated to care about them and take action on the outside, because you've never committed to them on the inside. Try this simple experiment: Choose one area of your life in which you'd like to feel more passion, perhaps your relationship, your job, or your emotional or spiritual growth. Then,for even one day, deepen your commitment to it. If it's your partnership or marriage, express more commitment through your words and your behavior. Focus on the best qualities of your mate, and remind yourself of how much you do love about him or her....You will be amazed how the act of committing more intently to one thing you care about for just one day can transform your experience of life and of yourself. People who seemed unexciting suddenly become interesting, fun, and attractive. Tasks that seemed mundane and boring became stimulating, and fill you with contentment. Personal challenges that seemed unattainable become opportunities for significant and lasting breakthroughs. Most of all, you will discover that your own passion has been just waiting for a chance to burst forth and express itself. pp. 15-17
I think in the modern world, we've often gotten it backwards. We expect passion to lead commitment rather than the other way around. But I think De Angelis has got it right. I'm going to commit to six week of core strengthening and see where that leads. Let me know if you embark on your own journey of renewed commitment to a dormant dream or goal. Let's see what happens!
Thanksgiving Reflections
Today is a day in which I celebrate and am thankful for life. Not only am I thanking God today for taking care of me on that August morning, but I'm also joining with my extended family to celebrate the lives of and mourn the loss of two relatives. Today my thoughts and prayers are with my Mothers family as they join together at the funeral of my uncle Herman in Rosthern Saskatchewan. My Dads family awoke to the news this morning that at 3:30 AM my fathers oldest sister passed away in northern Alberta.
Life is such a precious gift and in the end death can be as well. As I started out by saying I have not written since my accident and there are many reasons for that. When in High school and collage I was always a competitive athlete and as such always felt pretty much invincible, you may know the feeling; lightning fast reactions (well maybe not lighting fast, but pretty close), killer body ( Actually I never killed anybody with it ), smart, and generally I made good choices. It is very humbling to realize that in a split second no matter who you are you could loose everything.
The morning of August 21 was a beautiful morning, my routine was exactly the same as always; get up, have breakfast (2 pieces of toast with peanut butter and a glass of Iced Tea), spend some time with the kids as they mooched my breakfast from me, shower, get dressed, say goodbye with hugs and kisses for everyone, walk to the van, turn around as Rachel came screaming out the door that she wanted another hug and kiss, and go to work. This morning I had a meeting in St Bonniface area and enjoyed the beautiful ride down Main Street; but as I crossed Logan Ave out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash and before I had a chance to hit the brakes I hear the sound of a crunch and I remember rolling on the side of my vehicle and skidding down the pavement looking at it as it passed by my face (My window was open and I was inches from it). In the end both the nice man who hit me and I were able to walk away from the accident but now a month and a half latter I am still feeling a lot of pain from it. I can't help but think of how grateful I am to be fairly healthy and alive.
Since that morning I have turned 35 and celebrated the 4th birthday of my precious daughter and I'm reminded more and more every day how blessed I am. God has been so very good to me, and as I look back over the past year I can truly say in the words of Job of old "the Lord gives and the Lord takes away, Blessed be the name of the Lord."
As I reflect again on this year it has been an amazing blessing to meet many of my clients for the very first time and I can truly say that that has been a blessing. Someone was at the studio last week and said, "Wow, these women are all so beautiful!" My response was simple, All of my clients are beautiful!! It may seem to be a cliche but in fact I feel so blessed to have gotten to know each of you and I am truly thankful!!
Have a great Thanksgiving, you will be hearing from me again soon.
Marketing is Fun!
Every Wednesday out, I stop at Cornelia Bean first, to order a tea-to-go, smell a few new teas, and learn a bit more about their business. I love starting out this way. Such a treat. Cornelia Bean is a store on Academy that specializes in importing amazing teas and coffee as well as all the acoutrements (I love the occasional big word...hope I spelled it right!) Sometimes I stop at Bernard Callebaut for a couple of amazing chocolates to either give away or enjoy myself. It's also where I buy my chocolate chips with no artificial flavor, which are a great pick-me-up for me and the kids. I usually stop in at Tiber River to say hi and to look around at all their amazing natural products. Most recently, I picked up their "Pretty in Pink" essential oil blend for the studio. Let us know what you think of it next time Rodney burns it.
Last week, I visited the European Shoe Shop and ended up picking up an amazing comfortable casual black shoe for an equally amazing price. Bonus!! I followed my intuition and ended up across the street at Moulé. Their fashion and home decor is high-end, but the service was far from high-brow. I don't think I have ever met such friendly and upbeat staff in a store. Every single one of them was quick to smile, very personable, and completely genuine. What a great experience!
This week, I had the pleasure of a visit with Esther Vandenberg of Vandenberg's Fine Jewellery. As a new business owner, it was so nice to spend time with one who's a little farther down the road. She and her husband started their business 11 years ago. What I really love about them is their character, their generosity, and their team-focus. If you want to support a quality business and you're looking to create a piece that has your signature on it, give them a visit on Portage between Ferry and Barry. "You dream it, they make it". They also have a great collection of fine jewellery on hand in their peaceful and serene storeroom.
Well, the other thing that makes marketing so fun is the shopping. As a mom of three little people, it is a rare treat to be out by myself. This time I was even in a shopping mall. Someone had told me I had to try Laura Petites if I was looking for clothes. They were right. I got the nicest pair of black pants there, and there's no hemming required! What I also learned at Lululemon, is that they sell more than athletic wear. They have some business wear as well, all with four-way stretch and wicking-away capability. And they offer free hemming! I never did take the opportunity to try a pair there as I was on a time budget, but one of these days...
That's it for my fun with marketing. If you've been missing Rod's writings and photography or are wishing for more writing on us and our business, you should write and tell us first of all, because we'd love to hear from you...and we are hoping to get back on track with our blogging. Give us your feedback and what you'd like to see and hear. That would be appreciated.
Have a great week-end!
Ladies Who Launch
While we were there, I got to talk to lots of fascinating women and it was neat to also hear the positive feedback on the work of my husband. As often happens, a few women commented on the images, saying they'd like to do that, but they'd have to lose (fill in the blank) first. I found myself trying to convince them otherwise and then realized later that we all have to come to that point of decision/action ourselves. We can't or won't be pushed into things that we either don't want or don't think we can have. I am a prime example. My chiropractor and my back have been telling me that I need to strengthen my core muscles. But I keep putting it off for a better time. (My life is too full right now. When could I possibly fit in one more thing?) One of these days, the pain of staying where I am is going to outweigh the pain of action and change...unless I make the choice now and decide to pursue what I know I need to do.
I think that's probably what Ladies Who Launch is all about. We all have these dormant dreams deep within us (one of mine is to sing our national anthem at a major sporting event). Will we choose to let them be born? Or will we continue to push them down farther under all of our day-to-day activities and the pressures to keep up with other people's expectations? It's so easy to let the urgent things take precedence over the important, isn't it?
So, the next time someone uses the shape their body is in as an excuse for not coming in for a session, I'm not going to try to change their mind for them. Maybe I'll just ask them a question: "Is an Eve session something you really want? Because if you really want it, go for it. Do whatever you feel you need to do to get ready for it. And if there's anything we can do to help you, we will."
More and more we're getting to know other businesses that are helping women take care of and accept their bodies...sometimes through exercise, sometimes through emotional healing, sometimes through support or even exploring the role of hormones. And sometimes, all it takes is one decision for the rest to fall into place. One of our clients came in for a consultation weeks ahead of her session. She wanted to learn more and get psyched about her session. And then she wanted to take four weeks and do a Sustainable Fitness boot camp. She came back glowing with the excitement of her progress towards her goals of being more fit. At her session, she had the chance to re-discover and celebrate her beauty. And that in turn provided even more incentive for her second boot camp.
Take stock of where you're at and how you feel about it. Decide the next it learning more of your options, taking a look at your schedule, talking to those close to you and getting their ideas and support? Or (like me), do you know exactly what you need to do, but you just need to dive in and do it? What are we waiting for? Let's launch!
Body Image Inspiration
For some, it was about loving their bodies because of the story it told about their life (a scar from surgery, a fight with cancer). For another, it was a lifestyle change that made her more comfortable in her own skin (even if her roommate wasn't crazy about the change). I won't go into any more details and spoil it for you if you haven't read it yet.
If you get the chance, pick up a copy (it's orange). If you miss your chance before the next issue comes out, head to a library and take a look. I think you'll be inspired. And if you are, write a letter to the editor and let her know and maybe even share your sounds like she's on a journey of her own. I'm going to sit down right now and write her a letter myself (of course, letting her know what we do at Eve Studios here in Winnipeg, too!!).
Help for "That Time of the Month"
"I wanted to tell you about an herbal supplement called Black Cohosh that is great for alleviating PMS, painful cramps, and other symptoms from your menstrual cycle. Apparently, it's also great for menopause symptoms. It's very cheap. I bought a bottle of 60 capsules at Walmart for under $3. I mentioned it to one of my co-workers who told me she always has very painful periods and I gave her one capsule to try. She said it worked so fast and she felt normal for the rest of the day and into the night! She called it her "miracle pill"! You can buy it at health food stores as
well. I find it really helps stabilize my moods as well."~ courtesy of one of our clients
Thanks, for sharing that, Shauna. If anyone else has a helpful tip for
the life of a woman, please email Sonya at Just don't forget to do your own research to verify any ideas you read about here.
Feasts, Farmer's Markets and Fall
The farmer's market runs every Saturday from 9-1 until September 20th. It's a bit of a drive, but I thought it was totally worth it. There were a few crafters, lots of jams, jellies & chutneys, great corn on the cob (don't even bother buying corn anywhere else...mine was picked this morning!), potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cukes, zucchini, onions, mini pumpkins and gourds, and decorative corn just to name a few things. We didn't have time to stop in at the restaurant, but sometime I'd like to go back with a girlfriend. They list their menu on the website...looks tantalizing!
Well, that's it for now. Fall looks like it will be busy at the studio. Our new brochures are already bringing in new clients and fantastic feedback. (I'm working on getting them out to our clients still). Rodney will start shooting for one of CancerCare's big gala fundraisers this week. He's still pretty sore after holding a camera all day, but doing surprisingly well. We are blessed. Our eldest starts grade one this week. Not looking forward to the earlier start to the mornings and yet I am looking forward to having more morning in my day. Hope you have a wonderful fall. It's one of my favorite seasons. I hear Tiber River is bringing out an amazing line for fall, which includes pomegranate-vanilla and strawberry-rhubarb crisp. Mmm!
Happy long week-end!
Construction workers came to rescue him immediately. An off-duty police officer quickly assessed the situation and told Rod he was concerned about fluid leaks and getting him out as soon as possible. A bunch of guys got the van back on its wheels and Rod was able to get out. Miraculously, he has the mildest of skin abrasions on his cheek and chin (not even really visible) and a tiny cut on his forehead (from a shard of glass I assume). There were some glass shards in his shoe. Of course, his left shoulder and hip are getting increasingly sore and stiff. But it could easily have been so much worse. The car following him ended up somehow in between both vehicles with minor scratches. Also a miracle. The driver of the other car is also "okay". Rod had a chance to talk to him...a very nice guy who just happened to miss the light change as he was adjusting his sun visor. Traffic was blocked off for a four-block radius for about an hour.
So many phone calls today already. We will be replacing three car seats (as a precaution) and looking for a new vehicle. Rod just went to pick up a rental and will be heading to the chiropractor after that. Lots of decisions and uncertainties ahead, but we are so grateful that Rod's life was preserved and that no major injuries were sustained. The accident will probably be in the news...lots of cameras and reporters. I don't even know if I want to see the aftermath.
Life is precious. It is good to be reminded of the fragility of life. Each day we have with those we love is a gift. So enjoy today. And be thankful. I sure am.
looooong time no Rodney!!!!
It's hard to believe that summer is almost gone, my goal is in the next three weeks to do 3 sessions that are purely for me and the art of photography, I think this is a great way to celebrate summer and if you want to be part of one of these sessions let me know.
Sorry this is short, I'll blog again very soon.
Pioneer Women
I recently had the pleasure of seeing a play in Assiniboine Park called, "The Bush Ladies", done by TheatreBytheRiver. It is a brilliantly acted/produced/written work by Molly Thom featuring four pioneer women's stories taken directly from their own writings. These were cultured British women who left everything to settle in Canada. Life was hard. Very hard. But through their tenacity, creativity, and adaptability, they survived and eventually thrived. It was very inspiring.
This is the last week it is being done. Go see it and you will be grateful for all you have around you.
"As much fun as you can have roughing it in the bush" CBC
"Invigorating and educational notch production" Winnipeg Free Press
"The performances are so good that you won't even realize you're learning" Uptown
Performed on the North Shore of the Assiniboine Park Footbridge
Wednesday August 13th 7:00PM
Thursday August 14th 4:30PM
Friday August 15th 7:00PM
Saturday August 16th 7:00PM
Sunday August 17th 4:30PM
Admission is by donation (suggested minimum donation of $10)
Introducing Moksha Yoga
You see, there's something about moksha yoga you have to know. It's done in a 37-39 degree room. I was able to do most of it without even having to lie down. (Others on their first time find the heat difficult to manage and nausea and dizziness can result). It was definitely challenging to do the 90-minute class, but it was so worth it! I struggle with insomnia, but after that class I could've gone to sleep at suppertime! Such a deep relaxation came over my body.
There are many benefits to moksha yoga. I've asked Moksha to be a guest on our blog every month, and so hopefully we'll learn some of them, as well as learning more about their studio. This month, they've contributed a short article on eating local, as two of their core philosophies are caring for the environment and a healthy lifestyle.
Eco-Tip - Eating Local (courtesy of Moksha Yoga)
Did you know that a typical ingredient on your plate has traveled 1,500 miles or more from farm to plate? In fact, most of the food we eat is grown in places we’ll never visit. For example, lettuce in grocery stores usually originates in China, a place that many of us will only ever dream of seeing.
Having food travel so far from farm to plate brings up some very valid health and environmental concerns. To be ripe in our stores, produce is picked well before it’s ripe so that it can survive the journey to our plate, robbing us of many beneficial nutrients that we should be getting from our food. From an environmental perspective, the amount of fuel used to bring the food from point A to point B is very destructive to our environment, which is detrimental to not only our health, but the health of the planet too.
Thank goodness we have other options available to us! We live in a place surrounded by farms, which always means farmers markets! The farmers market in St. Norbert is a great place to spend your Saturday morning, and new this year is the Osborne farmers market that takes place at the corner of River and Osborne every Thursday from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. This is the best time of year to get good, fresh, locally grown produce just chalk-a-block with nutrients!
For more information on farmers markets in the area see Farmers Markets in Manitoba. For more information on how you can introduce more local goods into your diet, check out the 100-mile diet. Last year a group of people from Winnipeg did a 100 day 100-mile challenge. Hmmm….sounds interesting…..
Thanks, Moksha Yoga for your interest in our business and a helpful tip on trying to eat well and live well. At Eve Studios, we're trying to help women feel good about their bodies. Although our skill is photography, there are many ways to do it and good nutrition is one of them.
Don't Wait!
The purpose of Eve Studios is to celebrate you the way you are! And to have fun doing it! If you've never watched "How to Look Good Naked" on "W", I encourage you to try it, even just one episode. Although I'm not as crazy about some parts of the new hour-long British version as I was about the two half-hour shows they aired in fall/winter, I never cease to be moved by the incredible shift in body image and self-acceptance that occurs in each woman as she takes a long look at herself, discovers the untrue beliefs she has about herself, and has a chance to learn about the best fashion and undergarments for her body and get a new hairstyle/look that suits her face well. One of the last things every woman does on the show as she journeys towards greater acceptance and confidence is a photo shoot--sans clothing. This is usually quite a big step to take, but well worth it.
While we're on the topic of the photo shoot, I have to say, an Eve shoot is way more relaxed and fun. The ones on the show seem more posed and static, while the shoots at Eve are much more natural and organic (if you will...just more movement, seeing where things go...that kind of thing). Rodney has a knack for making his clients feel comfortable and at ease in front of the camera. And he knows how to encourage and build up people in a genuine way. It's just what he does best. So whether you decide to bare all or not, you look great and feel great during the entire experience.
I guess what I'm trying to say is--if you're intrigued by the idea of the Eve Experience, but you think you need to wait for a more ideal time...don't wait any longer! Just come in, have a consultation, set a date, and go for it! You'll be so glad you did.
Hello Again
My grass is also coming in quite nicely, for those of you who have not been to the studio lately and the clawfoot tub upstairs has just been re-enamelled and looks very nice.
Along with the work being done to the studio and grounds we have also been working very hard on new promotional pieces for the studio and soon we will be updating our website (read: it should be done in the next week or so).
I want to say a quick thank you to all of our clients for all of your support in the past year, I can't tell you how much your support means to us.
Enjoy the heat, talk to you soon.
We're Back
In other news, Rodney just spent a busy couple of days preparing for and teaching at the first ever Manitoba Photographic Artist's Exposition at the Forks. His two seminars (Glamour/Art Nude Photography and Child Portraiture) were some of the first to sell out. It's still going on...workshops, galleries and things. It also happens to be National Aboriginal Day with celebrations there and on Selkirk Avenue. We might try to take a little of that in if the kids wake up in time.
And then it's off to our homeland. So, it'll be a little quiet here, but we'll be back soon. Enjoy the long week-end. It's coming soon!
Shopping Fun in the Exchange
10% off your first item!
20% off the second!
30% off the third item!
This is our best sale of the season and will get you well on the way for a new summer wardrobe! If only getting the weather to cooperate was as much fun!!! New collections are still arriving and this promo is for a limited time so don't miss out!
Fine Print: Does not include Yummie Tummie tanks or Spanx.
Exchange District Block Party
This weekend make sure to be in the Exchange District for one BIG PARTY!
Starting Friday, June 13th to Sunday June 15th our area will be buzzing with live d.j's, outdoor concerts, wake demos and so much more cool stuff.
The big highlight in our opinion is the outdoor fashion show at 5pm in the Exchange District Park.
Candie & Dolls will be open until 8pm on Friday and Saturday plus 12-5 on Sunday.
Get more details at
The Bra Whisperers
I visited one of Winnipeg's own, having recently finished breastfeeding our last child. I figured now was the perfect time to find out my actual size and get something new to replace my ugly worn-out nursing bras.
I learned:
- when buying a bra, it should be snug on the first hook to allow for a bit of stretching out with wear
- buying too large a band for your chest size results in the straps falling down, which usually results in making the straps tighter, which usually pulls up too much in the back (or front) and makes us crazy!
- when a bra is good quality materials and make, the snugness of the bra is not uncomfortable
- a good bra can totally transform your shape
- bras like to be washed by hand fairly often and hung to dry and will reward you by keeping their shape and comfort for a long time (I knew this, but didn't necessarily abide by this, especially in the last five I'll have to get in the habit of bra-washing before bed!)
- I have entirely too good of taste in bras and I had to go home to think about it, but I'm convinced I will go back and spend the money
- lay-away is a wonderful thing (25% down and monthly payments until it is purchased and you can finally take that beautiful, French bra home)
- I am a 32 B
- I don't think I want to go back to pulling bras off the racks and going in and out of department store dressing rooms
Update on challenge
It is summer and the time has come to focus on the outside of our building again. The new grass is slowly coming up and is very patchy, but I'm getting the itching to paint so I am turning my gaze to the outside entry door. Now my question for you, what color do I paint it, I'm torn. Red is punchy and vibrant, lime green is our logo color and has some character and lastly black or white are also options. What do you think????? We are so interested in your opinion that the person with the best response (not just color, but why we should choose that) will receive a gift.
That's it for now, I hope all is well.
The 30 day challenge???
I should clarify, I won't be doing yoga for 30 days but will be doing a workout daily for 30 days, please ask me how it's going and keep me accountable.
Speaking of new beginnings, last week we finally planted new grass seeds here at the studio after bringing in 10 yards of topsoil and 6 yards of limestone. With the help of Jacob my 6 year old son we have done a lot of work here at the studio and are proud of the way it is looking, thanks to our clients for your patience as we have been working on the yard and trying to improve the property here.
Now, stop reading and go outside and enjoy a few mins of beautiful fresh air.
Dating other people
I guess if I have to date someone other than my babe, my princess is the next best option, thanks sweetie.
With a Smile
First was Bernard Callebaut. Such personable service (and of course yummy chocolates). So into my kids (that's always a plus). Just a lovely experience. Did you know that they have their own delectable chocolate in bulk forms to take home with you for baking? I picked up a bag of their semi-sweet chocolate chips. So good for little pick-me-ups. And no artificial flavors.
Then was Tiber River. I was so so warmly greeted and helped by Carly. Their store is so beautiful and fresh. And today I actually got a chance to smell some of their products. What a treat! I finally settled on to their "Perfect Pear" lotion for the studio and their Cucumber Wasabi hand wash. I wish I would've had more time...
Now, when you come to the studio, you can sample what I brought back (sorry, no chocolates). I know you'll want to head over to Academy Road once you have...
We have a Winner!
Congratulations. The gift certificate will be waiting for you Thursday at the studio.
Pin-Ups or Art Nudes?
In Saturday's Free Press, reporter Carolin Vesely did a superb little piece showcasing a photographer in the city who has a specialty creating "pin-up" style portraits. Hair, make-up, costume, props and even computer graphics combine to create the scene, the look and even the personna. Kind of intriguing.
Some of the quotes I found especially notable were: "Latschislaw (the photographer) says he wasn't interested in doing nudes. 'I want to do pictures that women can show their mothers.' "
And of a pin-up model in Toronto, "You won't find any nude pictures of me anywhere. Not that there's anything wrong with that, in the right context, she adds. When you consider that the female body is the most beautiful thing that was ever created, to cover it up and say it's dirty, to me, that's wrong."
At Eve Studios, we focus on who our clients are and bring that out in the portraits rather than create a certain look. We try to keep our settings simple and clean in order to bring emphasis to the subject...We aren't looking for sexy as much as empowered, confident and free to be who you are (which does include allure, passion, mystery, drama...) Ironically, it seems when a person has all that they usually hide behind stripped away, a new honesty emerges. And the resulting imagery seems to be purer and truer.
But enough about us...what do you think? Check out the article. Check out our work. What do you see? How do you feel when you see the images? Do you see yourself in them? What would you choose? And for fun, take our little poll and we'll see what women are thinking.
Happy Mother's Day
Rodney and I want to take a moment to say to all our clients who are mothers: "You're doing a very important job and we honour you for all you do every single day. Don't give up! Take a break and soak in the attention. Happy Mother's Day!"
We here in Winnipeg are truly blessed to have a very large number of truly beautiful women, keep up the great work ladies.
long time no blog
After a mostly sleepless week Sonya and I took the day off on Monday and went back to the office on Tuesday followed by our usual Tuesday night date (cuddling on the sofa and watching "how to look good naked") It was during our date time that the humbling process really began to go into hyper drive; the phone rang and it was Walter Janzen the PPOC (Professional Photographers of Canada) President calling from the annual awards banquet in London. Walter just wanted to call to inform me that two of my images from the image competition had done well, actually really well winning best in category for all of Canada. As I stood there Walter also told me that they were both chosen to tour the country as loan collection images (only 40 images in all of Canada are chosen for this) as a tribute to the very best in Canadian Professional Photography. Stunned I said thank you, found out who was bringing the trophies home for me and said goodnight.
I thought the humbling might be over for a while until the next week when I found out the the two Accreditation submissions that I had made to the PPOC were accepted and that I had just earned my MPA (Masters of Photographic Arts) as well as being the only photographer in Manitoba to be Nationally Accredited in Figure Study (Art Nudes) and the only photographer in Winnipeg to be Nationally Accredited in Maternity photography.
I am officially feeling very humbled as I am very aware of the quality of work being put out by the professional ranks in both Manitoba and in the rest of Canada. All I can say is that God has smiled on me and I am very grateful for the gifts.
Free Pedicure Draw Soon!
Top Awards
This image, "She's Smokin" won Best in Category for Experimental/Unclassified.
This image, "Winter Whispers" was awarded a merit.
This image, "Dreamscape" was given an award of excellence and won Best In Category for Fine Art.

Two of these images will become part of "The Loan Collection", a collection of images from competition that will be compiled onto a disc/into a book and distributed to all PPOC members as a sampling of the very best work in the country.
Congratulations, honey!
Ultimate Women's Show
We've put together together an amazing album for this event. Not only that, but there will be a draw for a free session complete with hair and make-up by Pelo Loco. Only at the show. So get out of Winnipeg this week-end (well,'s at Assiniboia Downs) and make sure Rodney doesn't get too lonely. He'd love to see all his clients there. You'd make his day!
Oh, I just about forgot...we've put together a sneak peak album of newborn work coming soon on due to launch Mother's Day.
Enjoy Spring!
Getting Your Feet Wet
So....for everyone who comes to the studio this month to book a session or pick up an order, AND for everyone who comments on this blog, one ballot will be filled out to be entered into our draw for a free pedicure at Tiber River Naturals on Academy. Tiber River Naturals is owned by two amazing women with a vision for products that are good for you and the environment. They are big on personalized, fun service and have a whole range of amazing and yummy natural products that they've created themselves. They also have a fun blog where you can follow their story as well as learn interesting health and product facts (and even be entered to win a free bar of soap!)
So if you've been too shy to comment, or waiting for "the perfect time" to book a session, don't delay another minute. It's time to Get Your Feet Wet!
Spring has Sprung!
I am also starting to live a new chapter of life, I have made what could be the last submission of work for my Masters. For the last number of years I have been working hard to become a master of the craft of Photography and am very close to completing the requirements for a Master of Photographic Arts. I realize that that really doesn't matter too much for any of my clients or potential clients; they just know that the work that they get is what they expect, the very best; but there is something nice about having my peers look at me and my work and say "He really is a master artist."
I gotta go, life is just too busy, thanks for reading my musings; here are a few quotes for you:
Love of beauty is taste.
The creation of beauty is art.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
If Rembrandt were alive today he would probably be a photographer. And he would probably be photographing woman. I suspect that his work would be a lot like what we see here.
I want to touch people with my art. I want them to say “He feels deeply, He feels tenderly.”
-Vincent Van Gogh
Have a great day,
Wellness for Women
What are the unique health & wellness needs for women? What are our challenges? Where do we easily falter in the care of ourselves: our minds, our bodies, our spirits?
How do we build better lives? Healthier relationships? A more positive outlook? Less self-defeating thoughts? A higher level of energy? A greater level of joy? How do we utilize the unique beauty we possess to enrich our lives and those of our loved ones?
I think of the unique demands on women these days. Besides the roles and expectations that are imprinted deeply onto our DNA (to keep a clean house, cook wholesome meals, nurture our children and friendships, support our partners, give something back to the community), we now have other things added: bring in an income and do meaningful work, keep up with busy households and a technology-saturated/fast-paced world, keep current of the latest fashion and decor trends, navigate the latest health-food/fitness ideas, and try to work out because we sit at a computer too much of the day. And through it all, women are bombarded with images on TV, in theatres and magazines, and on billboards telling us what beauty should look like: from our clothing to our hair-style to the shape of our bodies. So, basically, we're surrounded with the message, "You don't measure up". That takes its toll on a person.
The truth is, no woman can possibly measure up to all that. But how does a woman sift through it all and decide who she is, what she can do, and where she wants to go in life? She needs to have a strong identity. She needs confidence. She needs to know that she's enough. She needs to see herself with new eyes and discover the beauty that lies beneath the surface, awakening to her true self, content with who she is and comfortable in her own skin. This can happen in a variety of ways. In fact, someone in Winnipeg has developed a lifestyle pass where women can try out a bunch of things to help build health into their lives, but that's another topic.
At Eve Studios, we're all about women. We believe there is beauty in every woman, just waiting to be revealed. Sometimes that beauty may be masked by low self-esteem, lies from the past, despair, stress, depression, difficult circumstances, and a myriad of other things. Sometimes, a woman's beauty may be apparent to everyone but the one who possesses it. But when that beauty starts to be uncovered, a radiant confidence emerges. And that confidence can transform every part of a woman's life. That's why we believe so strongly in building the self-esteem of women through photography.
There is a saying that "A picture is worth a thousand words". We, as women, can hear others tell us we're beautiful a thousand times and have it bounce off each time. But when we can take an image of our own self, created in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, recalling the positive feelings that came with the experience, and drink in the way we look...suddenly, just maybe, we can believe we're truly beautiful. And that belief will remain long after the photography session.
If something of what I've said today rings true for you, why don't you give Rodney a call at 221-8413. Or you can email him. He's a fabulous guy and easy to talk to (he's my hubby!) But don't put it off. As women, we tend to care about everyone but ourselves. So change all that today, and go pick up the phone or click on the link and set up a time to talk and figure out what you'd like to do. There's no obligation. Even if you think your abs need some work first or you've never done anything like this before, just come in and find out more. You'll be glad you did!
Live well and be good to yourself. And I will try to do the same.
Now that's Service!
Or if you want to charge your insurance to a credit card, you can just phone them up? It's crazy.
The business is Gemstar Insurance. You can reach Ken at 889-1880 or We've just been so impressed with the friendly, personal and out-of-the-ordinary service, that we just had to share this with our clients.
the down side of optimism
Bad, Bad Rodney
What to say, what to say.
Well I'm sure you will all be very interested in the way I spent the afternoon today. I decided to get out on the roof of my studio and shovel the snow off of the building before the big melt comes (hear great optimism in my voice there) because last year I ended up on the roof because water was in fact running down the wall of my studio (not the nicest feeling in the world.) Spending a few hours up on the roof watching the world below you function is actually quite interesting; but far more interesting by far will be the aches and pains I feel tomorrow when the physical work I've just endured comes to say Hi again!!
On a completely different note the studio was featured in Winnipeg's weekly papers this last week; we were thrilled to have the media attention and they seemed to think that the work we were doing here at the studio was both unique and worth telling the city about. Thank you to Canstar and all of it's community papers for the article, we have to do it again very soon.
Well that's all for today folks, talk to you again soon.
More on Michelangelo
Alright where am I going with this, as artists we need to be constantly learning new and wonderful ways of enhancing our craft. Learning to draw made me a better photographer, spending the first weekend of February going to an intense photoshop course has further enhanced my artistic abilities.
Back to Michelangelo, later on in his career he was hired to do a very large project that was cancelled three years after being started. His employer (the city I believe) said that it was costing too much money and that he should bill them for the costs up until then. Michelangelo was so upset he said something like this "How can I bill them enough for what they have stolen from thier citizens and from the whole future of humanity? I was creating the greatest piece of artwork in history, how can I bill them for stealing that from the future?" Wow, if only we as artists saw the impact of our work in the same way as he did his.
Sometimes people ask me why I have such "Big" portraits up on the walls of my studio and home. The question is actually quite an interesting one, and the answer I have is simple: if the Sistine Chapel was a series of 8x10 portraits on the walls and ceiling would they be truly appreciated no matter how good they were?? If Michelangelo were doing a portrait of you would you find it adequate if he pulled out an 8x10 piece of canvas for the image?? I find myself constantly striving to better my art and I am so honoured when my clients appreciate it enough to say we want to have that as a feature piece in our home. Art is meant to be seen and appreciated for generations to come.
Well thanks for looking into my mind and listening to my muses about art and artists, I'll be back soon. Until then, "All the best in Love and Laughter!" Enjoy this family day if you are in the parts of the world that celebrate it and enjoy a beautiful day wherever you are.
Sweets to the Sweet
No-Bake Toblerone Cheesecake
Prep 20 min. Total: 3 hours 20 min. (incl. refrigerating)
1 1/4 cups Oreo Baking Crumbs
2 pkg. (250 g each) cream cheese, softened
1 cup smooth peanut butter
1 cup sugar
2 bars (100 g each) Toblerone Swiss Milk Chocolate, divided
1 1/2 cups thawed whipped topping
Mix crumbs and butter; press firmly onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Refrigerate 10 min.
Beat cream cheese, peanut butter and sugar with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Chop 1 bar of the chocolate; stir into cream cheese mixture. Gently stir 1 cup of the whipped topping in. Spoon over crust. Refrigerate 3 hours.
Microwave remaining 1/2 cup whipped topping and 1 bar chocolate in small microwaveable bowl on High 1 min. until chocolate is melted and mixture well blended; cool slightly. Pour over cake. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Makes 12 servings.
How-To: to quickly soften cream cheese, place unwrapped packages of cream cheese in microwaveable bowl. Microwave on High 30 sec.
Decadent Chocolate Cheesecake
1 c. chocolate crumbs
2 tbsp. sugar
3 tbsp. melted butter
500 g cream cheese, softened
1 c. sugar
3 eggs
1/3 c. frozen OJ concentrate, thawed, undiluted
6 oz. bittersweet or semi-sweet chocolate, melted (I use semi)
1/2 c. sour cream (I use Astro plain yogurt 2%, 3% or 6% m.f.)
Icing: (optional)
4 oz. bittersweet or semi-sweet chocolate
2 tbsp. butter
1/2 c. sifted icing sugar
1-2 tbsp. frozen OJ concentrate, thawed, undiluted
Preheat oven to 350 F.
Base: Combine crumbs, sugar and butter until moistened. Press into bottom of 8-inch springform pan (or use a bit more for 9-inch). Place in freezer while preparing filling.
Filling: With electric mixer, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. On low speed, beat in eggs, one at a time. Beat in OJ, then chocolate until smooth. Blend in sour cream. Pour mixture into prepared pan and bake 50 to 60 minutes or just until centre is barely set. Remove from oven and let stand for 10 min. Carefully run a knife around edge to loosen, let cool on rack (whatever), then cover and refrigerate overnight.
Icing: Melt chocolate. Stir in butter until melted and smooth. Add icing sugar and enough OJ to make spreadable. Place cheesecake on a serving plate with waxed paper strips under bottom (this is the hardest part). Spread glaze over top and sides. Chill until set, remove paper.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Have a great night.
It is finished!!
Enough about me, thank you to all who made the time to come and join us for our grand opening, given the weather and all the flu bugs out there we really appreciateyour support and encouragement. The nasty cold and some really nasty flu bugs kept over half of our intended guests away last night, but to the many who made it out the Starbucks coffee and chocolate fountain were quite the hits. If warm chocolate and fruit are not you thing, there were also cheesecakes and hot snacks and who could forget the gummy bears and kettle cooked chips (I love kettle cooked chips!!) The food really was secondary to the people who showed up, It was really wonderful to spend some time catching up with clients and perspective clients as well as friends; my only regret was that I didn't have enough time with all of you who came out last night, I think another evening of food and hanging out is in order and will probably plan it for a time where the chance of -45 with the wind chill is not a probability.
Thanks again to all who joined us and to all who couldn't make it we hope to see you soon.
Did you know?
And there will be a chocolate fountain at our grand opening?
Three more sleeps!
Grand Opening almost here!
Our Grand Opening is upon us. Only five more sleeps (how can you tell we have small children?!) Let me tell you, we're not sleeping much these days. The invitations finally got out this week. If you didn't receive one, apologies are in order. I did my best to play detective and track down addresses of clients, old and new, good friends, people who have taken an interest in our business, renovation contractors and anyone else who saw the building before Rod transformed it. But it was a big job, and I'm sure I missed some important people.
Here is the vital information:
Tuesday, January 29th
6-9 p.m.
354 Selkirk Ave. (Aikins entrance)
RSVP to or 221-8413
Hope you enjoy chocolate!!
We're currently working on the menu, last-minute details and of course, prizes! Hope to see you soon!
Pure beauty

I saw much more on our family adventure, you will hear and see more in the future I just thought this was worth a look, I hope you agree.