Well winter is truly upon us and is tradition my last wedding of the year ends in a snowstorm with 6 or more inches of snow. This weekends wedding was the wedding of a truly special
couple, Kyle and Tiffany. I first met Tiffany about five and a half years ago while I was photographing her dance school and she left an impression immediately as a person who had a great deal of spunk and personality, I loved it. I have watched in the last five years as Tiffany has developed into a fabulous dancer and an even better performer, I have photographed her performances for years but never imagined I would have the immense honour of capturing her wedding.

Then there is Kyle, he is an outstanding person and good looking to boot, when he and Tiffany walked into the room I felt as if I was about to photograph JFK and his beautiful wife Jackie. I feel as though elegant is not a good enough word to describe this amazing young couple, we had a lot of fun together and as discussed in our consultations funky was not the descriptor of their wedding, it was all pure class and classic.
Well they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, everyone who was witness to the events of this wedding will agree that they were beholding true beauty whether it was simply seeing the couple or seeing the caring way in which they treated everyone who was involved in their day it was beautiful.

Thanks Kyle and Tiffany, God Bless you and your marriage.